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Erfahren Sie, wie Antioxidantien und die Carotinoide Lutein und Zeaxanthin das Fortschreiten der Geographische Atrophie in der Netzhaut um bis zu 35% verlangsamen können – besonders bei Patienten, bei denen die GA noch nicht die Fovea erreicht hat. Ein klarer Hinweis auf die Bedeutung einer frühzeitigen Intervention, um das Sehvermögen zu erhalten!
Im Webinar erwarten Sie:
Die neuesten Studienergebnisse zur GA-Behandlung und Prävention
Einführung in das Zeiss GA Tool und seine praktische Anwendung im optometrischen Alltag
Praktische Tipps zur Identifikation der GA und Empfehlungen für die Weiterleitung an Fachärzte
Myopia Care is the perfect solution to enhance your local visibility as a Myopia Specialist – Parents with children affected by Myopia can effortlessly find the right eye care specialist here!
Sign up today and become part of one of largest network of optometrists, orthoptists, and ophthalmologists in Myopia Management:
👨👩👧👦 Why is Myopia Care the perfect choice?
- **Attract New Clients:** Our platform seamlessly connects parents with qualified specialists in Myopia Management.
- **Child-Centric Care:** Support easy communication and provide comprehensive information with the questionnaire and growth charts.
- **User-Friendly Navigation:** The intuitive interface makes it easy for parents to search and select local specialists.
🚀 How to get started:
- Visit
- Register quickly and easily.
- Benefit from the perfect solution to attract new clients!
Myopia Care brings together professionals and parents to ensure the best possible care for children with Myopia. We understand the importance of early and qualified intervention – that’s why Myopia Care is the perfect platform for you!
Sign up today and let parents with nearsighted children benefit from your expertise:
With more than 1400 members worldwide, Myopia.Care is the world’s largest network for myopia specialists. If you are a myopia management expert, register NOW for free on our website and make your practice visible!
As the incidence of myopia increases worldwide, with a
predicted prevalence of around 50% of the world’s population by 2050,
eyecare professionals likely will see an
uptick in visits from younger patients in need of diagnosis,
prognosis, and treatment. While some clinicians may have
sidestepped the myopia arena until now, they have a
unique opportunity to begin screening for and managing
this growing population of patients. Actively searching for
patients at risk for developing myopia and utilizing the
available spectacles, contact lenses, orthokeratology and
low dose atropine to effectively manage myopia is now
the standard of care, as noted by a number of professional
We support #MyopiaAwarenessWeek! #Myopia (also known as short sightedness) is a condition that can compromise #vision and may lead to #blindness. Children are more likely to develop myopia during their early development stages (pre-school to primary age), so has your child had their eyes checked recently? M.Sc. Vision Science and Business
Endlich ist es da, das erste deutschsprachige Handbuch für Myopie-Management. Auf insgesamt rund 200 Seiten, werden alle notwendigen theoretischen Informationen vermittelt, welche für die erfolgreiche Implementierung von Myopie-Management in die Praxis benötigt werden.
Autor: Max Aricochi, M.Sc. Vision Science and Business
Handbuch Myopie (Hardcover)
Can the onset of myopia be delayed with atropine?
Read article from Review of Myopia Management and find link to Study
Preventing Myopia Onset
A higher degree of #myopia means a greater risk of developing sight-threatening complications such as retinal detachment, glaucoma and myopia macular degeneration.
Be proactive! Get your child’s eyes checked and talk to your eye care professional today about reducing the risk of myopia.
👀 Visit our website for #MAW2022 resources and information:
HOYA Vision Care and Haag-Streit Partner to Combat Myopia
HOYA Vision Care, a leader in optical technology innovation today announced a strategic partnership with Haag-Streit, a renowned manufacturer and provider of ophthalmic instruments and medical equipment, to help address the global rise of myopia in children. The global sales and marketing agreement creates a preferred partnership between HOYA Vision Care and Haag-Streit to provide Eye Care Professionals (ECPs) with LENSTAR Myopia by HOYA to provide diagnostics and treatment for myopia.
Study Demonstrates a 2.5-fold Increase in Myopia Incidence in Children During COVID-19
News from the IMI White Papers
The Impact of Myopia
Updates on global prevalence from 2000 to 2019. Costs and individual impact of myopia.
Myopia Awareness Week 2021
Myopia.Care is supporting the Myopia Awareness Week, 24 – 30 May 2021, created by Brien Holden Vision Institute.
The researchers consider that it is not possible to predict the axial length based only on optometric data, such as the corneal radius of curvature and the spherical equivalent
Is diet a factor in myopia development?
Stay healthy and outdoor for better vision.
and many more!
Register Now at:
Expanding the range of treatments for myopia in children.
Foto von Andrea Piacquadio von Pexels

Update and guidance on management of myopia. European Society of Ophthalmology in cooperation with International Myopia Institute

Children with first prescription before the age of 10 years showed the strongest progression and a significantly final Spherical Equivalent (SER). All children who developed SER ≤−3 D at 10 years were highly myopic as adults, children who had SER between −1.5 D and −3 D at 10 years had 46.0% risk of high myopia, and children with SER between −0.5 D and −1.5 D had 32.6% risk of high myopia.

New player for measuring eye length with myopia management software. The Lenstar is a well-known eye length measurement device and is now available with the Myopia Update.
MyopiaCare and Myappia inside.

Dear MyopiaCare Friends
We sincerely thank you for your confidence in our project and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!
Your MyopiaCare Team
Stay healthy!
the MyopiaCare Team
Wow!!! The Myopia Control Management group have passed the milestone of 1000 members
Please share our community with your colleagues.

Soft contact lenses for myopia control in children is safe. Clinical charts review of almost 1000 children over more than 2 years.
Direct link to study

Vivior – Objektive Messdaten zur Ermittlung der Risikofaktoren bei Myopie
Mit dem Vivior Monitor werden erstmalig individuelle Sehverhaltensdaten während einer mehrtägigen Tragezeit gewonnen.Darauf basierend können personalisierte Sehkorrekturlösungen umgesetzt werden. Aufgrund der objektiven Beurteilung der Verhaltensrisiken wird im Myopie Bericht eine persönliche und Algorithmus gestützte Verhaltensempfehlung für das Kind abgegeben. Mehr Informationen unter:

Interesting podcast talk between Review of Myopia Management and the leader of the AAO Myopia task force.
Excited to see the white papers and cooperation of the international associations in ophthalmology.

Myopia.Care now available in Hebrew
Thanks to Oded Zvibach, BOptom, Optometrist, Professional Services Manager and Training, Crystal Optic Industries from Israel for the translation into Hebrew!
Instagram: @odedzvibach
LinkedIn: Oded Zvibach
Facebook: Oded Zvibach

Efficacy in myopia control
No single method of treatment shows clear superiority with the best of orthokeratology, SMCLs, spectacles and atropine showing similar effect with some caveats.

Can Levodopa slows ocular growth in a dose dependent with a similar potency to atropine, a common inhibitor of ocular growth in humans? Study on chicks

A farsighted view for myopia, by Dr. Thomas Aller

Johnson & Johnson Vision’s Approach to Myopia Management with Noel Brennan

Is late Sleeping a risk factor for myopia development?

Is optometry ready for myopia control? Education and other barriers to the treatment of myopia. by Saoirse McCrann, Ian Flitcroft,, James Loughman

Second licensing of Bausch&Lomb this week for myopia therapy products. A new player enters the myopia

Bausch Health licenses Eyenovia’s new treatment option to reduce childhood myopia progression

Recommandation officielle de l’Association française d’ophtalmologie sur le contrôle de la myopie
Téléchargement recommandé

The Brilliant Futures programme from CooperVision Misight is now available in the UK

Essilor announces the first data from the study of its new Stellest lens for myopia management.
More than 60% slow-down in myopia progression when compared to the control group wearing single vision lenses

Really good editorial written by Mark Bullimore in #ContactLens #Update on the recently published Blink Study by #University #Ohio
BLINK: Don’t Miss It

The eye clinic here in #Lausanne has launched a new brochure and website with lots of information about #children’s #eyes.
Really well done with lots of information. Not only for those concerned 😉
Available in 4 languages 🇨🇭 🇮🇹 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇬🇧
About #myopia:

Does myopia increase during #Covid19? Read the review

Just published Shared by @MarkBullimore

New study by the #Tübingen research team on #multifocal lenses and accommodation

Although we would like physical activities to be preventative of #myopia progression, this is currently not confirmed by #science.

New Blog article. Written by Amisha Pau about her take on Myopia Management on our blog